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Postcall Podcast

A weekly podcast about what you love about medicine and what you love outside of your career, hosted by Nick Andrews.


Mar 29, 2019

Colleen Farrell, MD, is back for part II of her conversation with Nick on her Medical Humanities Twitter chat group.


You can contact the show by emailing or on Twitter @MDedgeTweets. You can follow Nick on Twitter @tribnic, and Dr. Farrell

Mar 22, 2019

Colleen Farrell is a medical resident who started a twitter chat aimed at marrying humanities and medicine.


Contact us:

Nick Andrews Twitter: @Tribnic



Mar 15, 2019

Contact us:

Nick Andrews Twitter: @Tribnic

Mar 8, 2019

Contact us:

Nick on Twitter: @tribnic

Alex Leow, MD, PhD, is both a psychiatrist and a classical pianist. She joins host Nick Andrews to discuss her work as a clinician, medical educator, and researcher, as well as how music is a refuge from the daily grind.


Mar 1, 2019

Kirti Magudia, MD, and Thomas Ng, MD, continue their conversation with host Nick Andrews, sharing their experiences as parents of young children as well as early career physicians.

Dr. Magudia and Dr. Ng, both diagnostic radiology fellows at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, discuss traditional ways...